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Yesss it's been amazing to just allow myself to sit still and be comfortable to process all that's come through. I've learnt a lot and also released a lot of "pressures" when it came to holding space myself in how it "should" be. It was a beautiful time to witness and celebrate others while also doing the same for myself.
-Sharnelle Lewis
Flow Circle Participant
"Words can't explain her amazing work. She has this amazing soft, relaxing flow about life and the way she deals with things. Angie has truly helped me in so many ways, with mindfulness and really tapping into my awareness and opening my pathways and for this I am so very blessed."
- Janine Gartner
“I loved the space you created Angie - we felt comfortable, safe and able to share our stories openly and honestly. I enjoyed learning new concepts to do with energy and appreciative inquiry. I was aware of the flow and during the course I felt a deeper sense of flow. For me moving forward meditation is where’s it at - creating space and awareness.”
- Kat Hyde
"Since I’ve been having bars sessions with Angie I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. I’m more chilled out with my Partner and Kids and can let the every day niggles just wash over me. I am way more aware of my emotions and find it easier to not let other people’s emotions effect me so much."
- Cherie Green
"Wow what a shift in my life!!! Just as you explained to me, change didn't happen over night, certainly did happen! The first thoughts to enter my head were, how will I fit the session with Angie into my busy life? But, a little voice pushed me to give it a go - what did I have to lose, nothing and let’s face it I was an
absolutely frazzled mess. Mum to 2, Step Mum to 3. I juggle my own business working part time 6 days a week, whilst also book keeping for my husbands business too. Studying part time to further education myself for my business. Everything about my life was taking its toll on me. My sessions began and each visit I was greeted by a little ray of sunshine 'Angie'. Wow, I basically got to chill out for an hour, letting Angie work her magic on me and I quickly came to look forward to my sessions with her. My results have been extreme and I am struggling to find the words to describe my personal transition. However, I do know that when I started with Angie I was like a rubber band stretched so tight and on the brink of a breakdown."
- Melinda Wylie
"Omg you will not believe how much this weekend has been an answered prayer for me! For months I've been saying that I’ve just needed a break to look after myself and get some stuff done. On retreat I was able to relax and just gently allow myself to work on the stuff that I needed to work on. I could take break, enjoy the view, enjoy the beautiful energy of the other ladies and then get back and carry on... and you know it was easy and fun to get it done. I'm feeling like a different person."
- Lousie Wilson
"Okay...she is at times so calm and in control after her meeting with you on Wednesday and she so didn't have things go her way and reacted in a completely different manner to her normal response it actually shocked the pants off me in a GOOD way....she was calm and she didn't fire up, go mental and all that stuff she was actually reasonable."
- Tanya Aitken ( Mum of 8yr Old)
"Isabelle is more able to self regulate her emotions and tell us when she is feeling stressed or overwhelmed. She really enjoyed the mindfulness activities and still regularly uses them. We were reminded that she is her own person and is developing skills and abilities and personality traits that are not always like my husband or myself and we need to adjust our approach sometimes to best address her needs."
- Sarah Marsh ( Mum of 7yr old)
"My thoughts about learning have changed. When I came (to Angie’s sessions) I wasn’t really thinking about learning, I was going Oh I have to do it. But now I’m thinking about how I learn and like, how I can change it. Like, I used to always just copy off the board, but I never used to read it I would just copy the words. I wouldn’t think about it I’d just copy it, but now I’m thinking about it. English, I usually really hate it and I’d be really off task, but then I started to think like how can I make this better and easier for me."
- Ethan 15yr old)
Listening to my intuition, relaxing into the Flow of my life...trusting that everything comes at the divine right time for me. Being open to whatever drops in, yet also taking time to really get clear on decisions...feeling into it. Asking myself what would it feel like, and acting from that soft, centered space.
I went fully out of body on the meditations but knew that what came through would be just right for me.
Being able to sit down with a group of women and see them, not should on each other and just be seen and heard. Just wonderful xxx
-Renee Meiklejohn,
Flow Circle participant
"My darling boy of 10 came to Angie to do her Flow course, he had lost his spark, literally I would look into his eyes sometimes and see such sadness it broke my heart. He was in trouble constantly, making bad choices, really down on himself and being disrespectful to himself and others. After the first sessions I started to notice small changes, especially just after his session he would tell me all sorts of random things rather than the silence or grunts and grumbles previously. it has taken a while for the big shift to come but after his parent teacher interview I walked away with so much pride in my heart... He's contributing to his class, even in front of the whole class, taking leadership roles and is trying to bring a scooter/skate park to his school. Angie gave him some helpful, yet simple tools to practice when times get tough, when his anger gets the better of him or he's just feeling low. To be grateful, to own his thoughts and to love himself. So thank you Angie, I appreciate you love, kindness and calmness, and what you do for our little people is shaping the outstanding big people of tomorrow. I would highly recommend Angle to anyone of any age, she has a calm and gentle nature and an awesome way of seeing the best in everyone and helping them to see this within themselves. I feel truly blessed to have had you help my boy become the gorgeous, excited and happy boy he is meant to be."
- Tami
I've definitely noticed a change in the last few months. I'm more connected to the bigger picture and realise in tough times to allow things to pass through and flow. My perception on life is also quite different, I used to get caught up on things happening to me but now I realise when things happen that I'm not exactly thrilled about to look for the lesson and grow.
I've enjoyed just 'being' and knowing that it's ok to just 'be'.
Such a wonderful group to be a part of
-Cassandra Hogan
Flow Circle Participant
A few years ago everything was falling apart, I felt a failure, judgment, guilt, shame. I felt like I was losing my identity.
It was during this time that I first met Angie. I learnt that it was OK to not be OK. It was OK not to have my shit together, not have it all figured out. I learnt to tap into my intuition that I'd buried in the busyness along the way.
Since that initial meeting my life has changed dramatically. I still don't have it all figured out, but I've learnt some amazing things from Angie.
With the Flow Circle, I didn't know what to expect. I've loved the energy of new friends, new experiences, shared learning, shared frustrations, no judgment.
I've loved the relaxed environment, the blankets, cups of tea, the pets, the grass, the sound of birds, the wind blowing through the trees, the feelings of slowing down in a little slice of paradise, even for just a few hours a week.
Angie, you are magical in so many ways. I really appreciate you and you probably have no idea how much you've changed my life.
-Erika Achilles-Dunseath
"Without a doubt, the most valuable thing I got from the retreat was learning how much i had been neglecting my spiritual and creative needs...and that doing this was affecting areas of my life more important than my thesis!! So I can’t thank you enough for creating such an amazing ‘bubble’."
- Staci King - Flow Retreat
"My daughter has grown through the work with you. She is much more positive in her attitude, much more proactive in managing herself. There is none of the putting herself down anymore which is also wonderful. She is going to sleep much easier There has been less arguments going to bed and not the whole voicing of ‘I hate bedtime’ - in general she is much more happy in her disposition. I haven’t heard her say that she's bad at the things or can’t do things. Her ability to apply herself to her homework is enhance and now doesn’t seem like a constant battle. Mostly she will work through things and be more focused than she has been in the past. "
- Janice (Mum of 12yr old)
"The energy group was an amazing place to share, discuss and contemplate energy, manifesting, the power of our thoughts and so much more. I got friendship, great conversations, company and support for my thoughts out of it & am still getting lots out of it as my awareness and noticing have increased… I catch myself thinking of things I learned, even if it’s putting up my shield or what am I focusing on?"
- Nicole Adlam
"On retreat I felt clear headed, all my worries weren't with me. After the retreat I felt more determined on my study, something changed while I was there (I almost enjoy study now :O ) I now know how to be mindful and how to manage my study."
- Bex Bowles
"There have been some positive changes in our boy. He definitely isn't as negative about school and does seem calmer and a little more confident in himself. "
- Vinnie ( Dad of 11yr old)
"He simply loved his time with you in the holidays, all other well thought out and interesting activities paled in comparison to what happened at Angies! I love that he is learning this stuff that we are not entirely aware of or take for granted. I criticised something he did the other day and he had me up about it and said I shouldn't be so judgy. It stopped me in my tracks and made me realise he is right, and I listened, so that is so valuable to our relationship. It was great timing to remind me to notice all the great things about Hunter, and not slip back in to moaning at him to get him to do stuff. Really appreciate what you do for Hunter, 2016 is a great year and you have opened our eyes to how things should be. I saw something on Facebook about how kids only learn from those they like, and this is so true of you. Wanna be a school teacher by any chance??"
- Tracey Reid ( Mum of 9yr old)
"I really didn't know what to expect when i had me Bars run with Angie, but was really surprised how quickly I noticed the difference. The day after my session a very 'inconvenient and frustrating' situation happened with someone where my previous response may have been anger, blaming & shaming, getting involved and feeling awkward after. This time I was less attached to the feeling and noticed the difference. I generally feel like I have more patience and less need to respond and react to things. It's wonderful, thanks Angie"
- Steph Holloway
Such a positive and uplifting experience for me at that time and i would recommend it to anyone who needs a safe space to share and work through life's stuff! If there was a teensy tiny negative I would say the distance to Ange's house but this is offset by the fact that once you walk in you are in a cocoon of warmth and safety, and the fire is bloody awesome.
-Katie Cartwright
Flow Circle participant
"She is heads up and taking on the world again with a smile. You have made a positive difference in her thinking and self confidence for certain. Thanks again for caring for her."
- Christine Cooper
I think this is something everyone needs!
The space the time and Ange's energy flowing meditations (and just her energy in general!)
I have come away feeling more connected, hopeful and aware.
I have also come away in awe of five new friends and much gratitude for what I have learnt from them.
I'm glad I gave myself the permission to invest in this time for me
-Amy Bidois
Flow Circle Participant
"OMG Angie is a master at what she does. I’ve had many experiences with coaches /facilitators before and she is hands down one of the most clued-up, tuned-in people I’ve ever met.
Gentle yet empowering. Can’t recommend her highly enough"
- Stef Crowley
I was nearing my 50th birthday. I had been struggling to see myself, to feel like myself. I felt lost. Like I just existed. I had an urge to find myself, the person I used to be. With confidence and laughter and a carefree outlook. I wanted to let go of the negative messaging and to lift the weight off my shoulders.
I saw Ange's post and knew it was the right thing to do. I am usually cautious and put myself last. Not this time. I was ready head, heart and hands.
I embraced the sessions,
I instantly felt so different.
I saw myself as worthy.
I trusted my intuition. I cut emotional ties.
I noticed that ease and flow were everywhere.
I was letting it in.
I only ever felt comfortable, at home and supported with Ange. She gave me space when I needed it. She reached out when she knew I needed it.
It has been an amazing 12 months.
I am I...the me I loved. I always was, I was just lost. I've had so many incredible shifts in my view of myself.
My relationships are authentic and positive. I no longer have the weight and heaviness I was dragging around.
So many people have noticed changes; they comment and ask about my journey. I recommend investing in yourself and booking sessions with Ange.
I will always treasure and value the experience. Forever grateful
-Dale Campbell, 12mth mentoring
"During the retreat I felt able to relax and be myself. After the retreat I have been able to be more mindful, but I do have to constantly keep myself in check. The learnings I’ve taken back into my life are respect for other people, learning not to judge, rather to embrace good qualities in others and the ability to breathe and slow down."
- Kim Audos Flow Retreat
"My son has come out of Angie's sessions a happy confidant kid, he knows what his strengths are and he even stands taller! Angie has taught him how to handle stressful situations and his behaviour has improved a lot. He would like to keep seeing her forever if he could! Thank you for your calm gentle approach with my son, I think he is going to benefit from your sessions for many years to come "
- Kay Marra (Mum of 9yr old)
"Thanks for another great session on Tuesday. You have an amazing gift. Whenever I’ve been working with you I walk on air for two days! Thank you. Life feels easy. In fact, I'm just so over trying so hard to figure everything out. I had a big mental shift happen this weekend. I finally surrendered. I've been so afraid of lack of control, which is a weird concept to articulate but I can see it clearly in my head. In my business, I've completely let go. I'm not worrying, fighting, striving anymore. I'm just doing what feels right, and leaving the rest to the Universe. It's SUCH a relief. I'm enjoying my biz again. I can go for a walk if I want, I can sleep in if I want. And this is the best part... BIG HAPPY SMILEY FACE!! Since I've let it go, truly let go of this insane wanting to control of it... I'm not overcome by this constant fear that I'm about to fuck everything up! Because I'm not the one striving so hard to steer this boat. And even better, the Universe, God whoever, DEFINITELY CAN'T fuck it up. Ha! Phew, feeling so light. Totes dropping the guilt and enjoying feeling like I can ground into the experience of the present moment rather than being constantly overcome by anxiety and fear. I feel like the judgement you mentioned comes from a place of control - the opposite of allowance. So finding it much easier to not be judgey, as I'm just letting things be what they are."
- Sonja Gardiner
"He has had a really positive start to the year at school – he is engaged and although still forgetful or unprepared at times, he seems more relaxed in himself and happier to try new things. I think this is a consequence of you addressing some of his anxiety about his own ability and capabilities."
- Jan Smith ( Mum of 13yr old)
"My son was being bullied at school and had lost confidence in himself, he was feeling useless, dumb and was not enjoying school. This had a flow-on effect to his sports ad he went from a sport-a-holic, to not wanting to go to training/crying before games/having “sore tummy” so not able to go to his game/not going to trainings/crying easily. He was a sad child. Through Angie’s programme found himself again, he regained his confidence. His ability improved in class and in his sports. He started to believe in himself, and could see that he could choose how he reacted to how he was treated. He felt empowered and able to have some control on how he felt. He started to focus on positive things and not to give his energy to the negative. I got my happy, capable, funny, competent, and sport-a- holic child back. He realised that what others said about him was not necessarily true. He learnt how to let it go and not hold onto the negativity they were putting out. He became able to put into words how he was feeling about what was happening to him at school/sport (being made to feel useless and being put down all the time). He has managed to maintain his confidence/belief in himself and trusts he can handle things/people. He does not feel the need to prove himself or be accepted by the “toughies”, he is happier being himself, and is not so ready to believe what they say about anything. He will consider what they say before deciding whether he should listen to them or not."
- Bree ( Mum of 10yr old)
"My daughter absolutely loved every session she had with Angie, it was like Angie and her were best mates. Every time she came home she was on fire, completely in love with life and herself. Angie has this amazing way to see the greatness in each and every child, making them feel comfortable and special in their own skin. Thank you Angie for the positive impact you have made on our daughter and our family."
- Deb Griffiths
"Thanks Angie, my daughter was buzzing after her session with you. Yesterday she was so confident and proud, willing to have a go at everything. What a shift!"
- Saar Hellemans
"The main point I got from the Workplace Wellness Workshop is "I have the choice". Angie has an absolute "peace" within that reflects and bounces. Thank you Angie."
- Anon